Просмотр полной версии : Whether girls tell or say please it is possible for me (pregnancy of 6 weeks) to drink aptechny...

01.05.2004, 05:04
Whether girls tell or say please it is possible for me (pregnancy of 6 weeks) to drink the chemist's urological collecting (40 % in itself bearberries). I heard, that the bearberry is counter-indicative at pregnancy. Tell or say who than treated a cystitis at pregnancy. C!

04.05.2004, 08:48
Really some doctors do not appoint or nominate a bearberry to reception during pregnancy, but simultaneously with it or this besides the some people approve or confirm, that for a phytotherapy for treatment of a cystitis it is expedient to use, in particular the bearberry and this agent can be accepted without fears. Besides a bearberry idenchnyj effect render: leaves of a cowberry, corn ryltsa. pol-a floor. In parallel with a phytotherapy usually appoint or nominate also Fitolizin/Kanefron (on 50. 3./day or on 2 dragees 3./day). Kanefron/Phytolysinum and grassy agents apply is long for 2 3 weeks. Besides all specified expediently regular podmyvanie a solution of broth of a camomile, alternating or interleaving to a soda solution. It is necessary to limit also reception salt. Success.