Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 28 years. In March the leukoplakia, displa has been diagnosed...

03.05.2004, 22:39
Hello! To me of 28 years. In March the leukoplakia, a dysplasia of an easy or a light;a mild, average degree have been diagnosed. In June has passed or has taken place course of treatment in hospital, the itch and does not pass or take place. Children at me are not present. My gynecologist recommends to give birth or travail. Whether there is a threat of homing of illness or disease in case I shall not give birth to the child. The desire to have the child is, there is no opportunity. Advise something. In advance thanks.

Malanova T.B.
04.05.2004, 04:31
I have not understood something, how to you have treated lejkoplakijui a dysplasia shejki uteruses. For them treatment only one - konizatsija shejki uteruses. OTHER VARIANTS are not present!!!!!