Просмотр полной версии : Who will help or assist? Washing 9 years or summer daughter has cut a heel when played one houses. I...

03.05.2004, 08:58
Who will help or assist?
Washing 9 years or summer daughter has cut a heel when played one houses. I was at job. The daughter itself has gone to an apartment to neighbour's doctor Dzintaru to Vasilyevich in the Evening she has told, that the doctor very kind, that he has tied up a leg or foot and even the drawing of a cat has presented. Yesterday she played with a doll. The doll has as though cut a leg or foot, and she was the doctor. I have noticed, that she has removed or has taken off shorts at a doll. I have asked, what for she does or makes it. I cannot will calm down. Natasha to me has told, that the doll needs to be examined. Doctors always so do or make. I have asked and you the doctor so examined? She has told or said, that he removed or took out shorts and he checked a muscle which goes from a leg or foot to a stomach or belly. He touched or tampered with "pisju". The daughter has forgotten about all. Now plays. And I cannot forget it. What to me to do or make? The doctor works as the surgeon. I live series, often it or him I see.

Malanova T.B.
04.05.2004, 02:53
If the girl on what does not complain, it is better to touch or tamper with it or her. Reduce on reception to the gynecologist, not bringing to a focus daughters, doctors. If the doctor will find out any changes. Speak a situation with it or him. But, by a quiet status of the girl, the doctor to her has not made anything. How to behave with the doctor - depending on a situation.