Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! After 3 h a monthly break has started to accept OK (t...

02.05.2004, 16:27
Hello, the doctor!
After 3 h a monthly break has started to accept OK (triziston). 1 j the cycle has passed or has taken place, the menses has begun in time (on 4 j day of a break). Me slightly disturbs, that she was a little more poor or a little scantier, than earlier when I accepted OK. Yesterday has begun the second pack. A question in the following: whether it is excluded in given situtsii pregnancy? (not protected contacts in the first cycle was two: before a menses when the first pack has already ended and during the previous menses on 6 j day of a cycle, and all rest of the time (12 and 14 day of a cycle) used Patenteks-the Oval). Did or made the test before a menses - negative.
In advance many thanks, good-bye.

Soboleva L.I.
04.05.2004, 02:06
Hello! On a background of reception OK of allocation can be more poor, than usually. Do not worry.