Просмотр полной версии : You have not correctly understood me. In brackets I have explained, that at me in a stock still...

03.05.2004, 12:58
You have not correctly understood me. In brackets I have explained, that at me in a stock even month and 1 week. Here my last letter.
Hello. How it is possible to accelerate monthly, hotjaby for 3 4 days? In humane any ways:). A cycle at me - 31 32 days. Still it is a lot of time (in a week a menses, but it is necessary "to approach" not this, and a following menses). Not clearly - vitamin "With" vse-taki increases or enlarges or reduces a cycle. Exercises on press will help or assist? What grasses to have a drink or bioadditives? Thanks big.

Malanova T.B.
04.05.2004, 00:58
Come on reception and to you it is precise on days will paint reception of a preparation. In absentia hormones are not appointed or nominated.