Просмотр полной версии : Excuse, for importunity, but it would be desirable to receive from you the answer: I accepted...

03.05.2004, 13:30
Excuse, for importunity, but it would be desirable to receive from you the answer: I accepted 3 weeks a preparation "AEVITUM", and have then learned or have then found out that is pregnant.
In the instruction to a preparation it is specified, that he is counter-indicative at pregnancy. On a site mama. ru I have read through, that the pregnant woman should not accept vitamin A more than 10 000 ME in day, and in AEVITUM the maintenance or contents of vitamin A 100 000 ME. Whether it can negatively affect or negatively have an effect on a fetus?

Ryazanov And.
03.05.2004, 17:03
Irina, really overdosage of vitamin A is undesirable priberemennosti and can negatively affect or influence an embryos. But more often the damaged or injured germ perishes, and intact continues to develop. Consult in addition at genetics.