Просмотр полной версии : Hello. For 2 years of a sexual life with the husband we behind one "have replaced" one 4...

02.05.2004, 22:05
Hello. For 2 years of a sexual life with the husband we one behind one "have replaced" 4 infections: first at me have found Trichomonases, were treated through time - a mycoplasma and gardnerelez (I do not remember as it is written correctly), two times were treated already, now in the husband find out a ureaplasma, I was not checked yet. We absolutely precisely do not have communications or connections on the parties or sides, whether can such be in the nature? How to avoid such exchange? (and business in paid clinics to which it is necessary more money can?)

Malanova T.B.
03.05.2004, 15:45
Katya, the mecotic colpitis can be received ONLY sexual by, all rest - result of spent antibacterial therapy, depression of immunity.