Просмотр полной версии : Day kind! The help on a following question - the wife zaberemennela is very necessary...

01.05.2004, 14:10
Day kind!
The help on a following question - the wife zaberemennela during illness or disease a flu (serious enough) is very necessary, during illness or disease was treated by all successively, including and antibiotics.
The child for a long time wanted and it has turned out as to spite during such moment: (
About pregnancy have learned or have found out only today, and she has recovered approximately about 10 days ago. The wife up to that spoke, that in a similar case almost always children are born with deviations or rejections, therefore now very much experiences...
Tell or Say, than similar threatens? What consequences can be?
Very much it is necessary, help or assist...

01.05.2004, 18:34
Small addition:
Activly the wife about one week, day 4 with temperature nearby 38 hurted or was ill;was sick.

02.05.2004, 15:49
Alexander, in this conference you do not receive the answer of the expert. Come on a site www. mama. ru. Section " Akusher-the gynecologist ", there very convenient search also it is easily possible to find the interesting information. Questions there respond to all the qualified doctors. Success, I hope at all of you will manage.

03.05.2004, 02:29
I too am pregnant! And the flu was! Has learned or has found out only today! Alexander, the greater or big request if will find any information send me by mail: nushka@mail. ru
I called to the doctor, he advises to save pregnancy, and 12 ti weeks to do or make extensive US.