Просмотр полной версии : I already asked a question today " erosion raised or increased kol-in leucocytes tvorozhe...

Nastja """
02.05.2004, 07:04
I already asked a question today " erosion raised or increased kol-in leucocytes tvorozhestye allocation of white color without a smell pereodichesky an itch to me registered Metronidazolum 1. trihapol nestatin suppositories klatrimazol not pomaglo " I wanted most kokoe lekarsto will ask effectively as my illness or disease is called? And more at me erosion does not develop as have told or said vrazhdennaja and till 20 years it or her it is not necessary to touch or tamper with and more a question of my partner excruciates nothing on it should as that projavljatsja? We with it or him already it is more polu-than year

The anonym
02.05.2004, 11:26
I already asked a question today " erosion raised or increased kol-in leucocytes tvorozhestye allocation of white color without a smell pereodichesky an itch to me registered Metronidazolum 1. trihapol nestatin suppositories klatrimazol not pomaglo " I wanted most kokoe lekarsto will ask effectively as my illness or disease is called? And more at me erosion does not develop as have told or said vrazhdennaja and till 20 years it or her it is not necessary to touch or tamper with and more a question of my partner excruciates nothing on it should as that projavljatsja? We with it or him already it is more polu-than year

Malanova T.B.
02.05.2004, 23:01
You should repeat smears, to repeat a colposcopy, to make onkotsitologiju. To find out, that supports or maintains a colpitis.