Просмотр полной версии : Zdravsvuite, Doctor! Skajite, pojaluista, pravda li, chto protivozachatochn...

02.05.2004, 02:36
Zdravsvuite, Doctor! Skajite, pojaluista, pravda li, chto protivozachatochnie tabletki (daje ne vizivaushie pobochnix effektov u devushki), mogut " viyti bokom " cherez neskolko let, naprimer, v vide potolsteniya i tak dalee. Pravda li, chto gormoni ot nix nakaplivayutsya v organizme kak shlaki? Zaranee bolshoe spasibo!

Soboleva L.I.
02.05.2004, 22:35
Hello! No, it is not true. Probably, that the mass of a body raises or increases on a background of reception of contraceptives, but if after their cancelling it already is not connected in any way with action of contraceptive tablets. After a cancelling of a preparation it is recommended to wait 2 3 months and then already to start to plan the child. For this time the preparation is completely deduced or removed from an organism. But even if pregnancy attacks a background of reception of contraceptives or right after the cancelling - in it or this is not present no trouble.