Просмотр полной версии : Thanks for the answer, whether would be desirable still can learn or find out rising of Prolactinum and to...

01.05.2004, 10:58
Thanks for the answer, whether would be desirable still can learn or find out rising of Prolactinum and kortikostirola to be caused or called by growth of cells of a pituitary body, vsledstvii long feeding (1 year and 8 months)

Maljarskaja M.M.
02.05.2004, 06:48
Certainly. But all the same it should be treated

The anonym
02.05.2004, 12:51
It is how much serious and why then a roentgen normal?

Maljarskaja M.M.
02.05.2004, 20:55
Because the roentgen shows a tumour in the sizes more than 1 see It is possible to wait also it or this.