Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor. I have decided to start to use contraceptive tablet...

02.05.2004, 00:35
Hello the doctor. I have decided to start to use contraceptive tablets, but my guy categorically against, t. To. Considers or counts, that they can be injurious to my health. The matter is that I am inclined to completeness and there is a predilection to a phlebectasia. And he looked transfer where spoke, that contraceptives strongly aggravate these problems. Whether tell or say please really it so, and advise to use better what contraceptive tablets in my case. In advance thanks for the answer.

Soboleva L.I.
02.05.2004, 19:06
Hello, Lera! Really, oral contraceptives are counter-indicative at varicose expansion. I think, that in your case it is better to use mini-drank or saw. If you vse-taki want the combined contraceptives preliminary consult with the vascular surgeon. Probably, he will tell or say, that reception of tablets is possible or probable.