Просмотр полной версии : Dear Marina Mihajlovna! Please, help or assist me to pick up correctly OK....

02.05.2004, 12:20
Dear Marina Mihajlovna! Please, help or assist me to pick up correctly OK. I accept Marvelon half a year and all this time at me hair strongly drop out. I have gone to vrachu-(to the expert on hair) and he has told or said urgently to stop reception of a preparation as it is assured or confident that abaissement of hair is connected with disturbance of a hormonal background and prevalence of man's hormones, on what specifies, for example, education of characteristic "man's" high temples. But that to me to do or make - it is necessary kak-to be protected that. Advise me, please - can, replace a preparation, or is simple put a spiral? And it is possible to put a spiral at erosion? (it or her after sorts or labors have found out, three years ago) the doctor, I in such bewilderment is So much questions... Help or assist!

Pasenjuk A.M.
02.05.2004, 15:02
In my opinion, it is necessary to cancel Marvelon, to make a hormonal structure, to treat erosion. Then to pick up " correct OK " (Diana for correction) or to put VMK