Просмотр полной версии : Cystitis, thrush, appendages - in one vial or flask.

The blonde
27.01.2004, 23:27
Zdravstvuejte! In August after the termination or discontinuance of reception gorm. Tablets (regulon) at me infinite thrushes, an inflammation of appendages and exacerbations of a cystitis (in the childhood there was an infection mochevodjashchih ways) have begun. Zdala analyses on a mycoplasma, uriaplazmu (only it or her have found), gardanellu and chlamydias: treated me and my partner Trichopolum, Indomethacinum, immunofanom, a doxycycline, betadinom. During treatment appendages terribly hurted or were ill;were sick, in a month the cystitis has again begun. The repeated analysis of a ureaplasma has not revealed. Treated: tsiston, Cystenalum, vobenzim. The cystitis has not passed or has not taken place. A propyl of 10 days furagin. Still I drink any nastoj from pshenki, a bearberry, ervu woolly. In a week all again and allocation vvede white Membranulas. Again furagin. I have again started to drink regulon. Now at me the thrush has begun and sides at the very bottom ache a bit. The urologist has appointed or nominated the general or common analysis wet, the analysis wet on reaction to antibiotics and uzi kidneys. A question: What else analyses to me nuzno to make? Whether the truth that these problems can be connected also with parasites in an intestine? Whether Correctly I have made, what without advice or council with the doctor have started to drink again regulon? HELP or ASSIST PLEASE! I SO AM tired!!!

24.03.2004, 14:38
Dear Blonde - you like even would complain of problems with a skin of the face (if I am not mistaken). It is necessary to be treated. I give you free-of-charge advice or council - stop to drink regulon. There are softer on action and more effective hormonal preparations. Do not regret money find the good doctor in city and consult. I too had a cystitis, and practically not passing or not taking place, I was very longly excruciated. And I for maintenance advise drink broth of seeds of fennel - he renders protivovosspalitelnoe action. Also visit or attend the urologist - NECESSARILY. If it will not be treated, so not dogl to get in hospital with vosspalenie kidneys.... So be treated... And in occasion of a thrush - now there are very effective modern preparations - consult at the expert of the gynecologist. There is such preparation Defljukan - is effective enough: buy or purchase two tablets and to drink them in day, also I was helped or assisted by suppositories neo- as them to use will read through in the instruction. And more, the thrush appears because of the lowered immunity - so be engaged in the health and drink vitamins.
I hope, that with your health will be that's all right ...:)))