Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At me following vopro...

11.02.2004, 13:30
Hello, the doctor!
At me following vopros-I 4 years I can not cure a candidiasis (vaginalnyj), the husband some times handed over analyses, but at it or him have found nothing. Whether you can something *

17.02.2004, 14:56
For ever this microbe cannot disappear, as he lives in an organism and in norm or rate. The purpose of treatment consists in reducing exacerbations, to exclude complaints. The greater or big role in prophylaxis of relapses is played with rising immunity, an eutrophy.
The main moment in treatment - kandida lives in an intestine, therefore for it or her iznichtozhenija the preparations accepted inside are necessary: difljukan, forkan, etc. Local treatment (suppositories, ointments, creams) - additional treatment. Difljukan accept simultaneously with the partner since kandida it is passed sexual by.
Or treat under the full program of the husband simultaneously with itself, at it or him the center can be in an intestine. In a mouth and tp - the fungus in norm or rate lives in each of us, not always disturbing, but being passed by another.