Просмотр полной версии : OAA, antenatalnaja destruction of a fetus

25.11.2003, 21:33
Hello, in January of this year on 40 week the child from an encirclement a cord or navel was lost. The histology okloneny has not revealed. The cord or navel was very long - 52 sm and in her were not gel which is between an artery and a vein. The child of 54 sm, weight only 2740. All analyses were in norm or rate and suspect bad could nobody. All has occured or happened very quickly - literally for 15 minutes.

Question: as far as possible now to prevent repetition, and how much or as far as % there is a risk? Put OAA and high risk FPN. Now 29 week. Certainly, I am afraid, very much, that I again can lose the child. All analyses good, but here the mental status wishes to be and it is better... Especially, the more term, the is more than pavor, cho similar again can occur or happen. Everyone speak, that from an encirclement umirae there are not enough children supposedly cho it all the same that under the car to get... But it is all the same terrible. Please, answer my question.:mad:

28.11.2003, 21:49
It is necessary to do or make US about -th subject of presence of an arrest of development of a fetal fetus and disturbances of blood flows-dynamic observation will solve many problems!

01.12.2003, 17:58
The most important, try to take itself in arms or hand and do not worry. The risk is not great, it really happens very seldom. Be simply on a regular basis observed at the doctor and carry out all necessary purposes or appointments. In occasion of US also it agree with Sevoj.

05.12.2003, 13:36
uzi and dopplerometrija has not shown deviations or rejections, but unfortunately, the encirclement by a cord or navel around of a neck is again observed, now I lay in hospital, prick aktovegil, Riboxinum and ringera. Have found out small threat premature: shejka uteruses soft, but 3 more see nyxes of a papaverine and a glucose. Analyses in norm or rate, excepting presence of a colpitis. Every day - 2 times write down palpitation of a fetus.

Question: repetition of mors of a fetus because of an encirclement a cord or navel if she nevertheless is present is how much probable???

05.12.2003, 20:47
First have written what a duration of gestation at you! And secondly the encirclement of a cord or navel around of a neck matters immediately in sorts or labors! And that essentially when is available relative or absolute korotkost cords or navels... And if you so are disturbed with an encirclement of a cord or navel around of a neck and in the first sorts or labors the child was lost antenatalno that you can give birth by operation to cesarean section (though it not absolutely indications for To/with).

06.12.2003, 16:54
Term of 30 weeks. Last time the cord or navel was 90 sm (I was mistaken when wrote to this subject).
Last time reenok was lost just because of a hard encirclement around of a neck up to sorts or labors, there was the fights, no patrimonial activity.

Than the encirclement can be dangerous now, what prophylaxis to spend, monitoring of that?

06.12.2003, 22:22
The girl, lovely-understand the same you at last-at absence patrimonial rejatelnosti an encirclement of a cord or navel around of a neck has no value or meaning;importance!!! Can at you there was any other pathology of a cord or navel????? aa to spend it is necessary prophylaxis of a fetal hypoxia of a fetus. US the control and dopplerometriju and since 32 weeks the Ou-CONTROL. If at you in city is fetalnye monitors prof. Demidov that they are very informative since 28 weeks. I wish good luck!

08.12.2003, 14:40
Yes is not present, to other reason it was not exact... Even in the conclusion about mors it has been written - antenatalnaja destruction of a fetus because of a hard encirclement by a cord or navel of a neck. ktg to me do or make 2 times a day, any deviations or rejections, and for prophylaxis put droppers a glucose + +. doppler has not revealed in a blood flow of deviations or rejections, uzi too, except for an encirclement. Doctors have told or said, that will repeat uzi and doppler on 33-34 week.

08.12.2003, 14:51
I already and itself do not know, can, I not there address? The psychologist time such pavors and experiences can to me is necessary? Doctors speak - very well, all of us we shall try to make, that the baby was zhivenky and zdorovenky. But last time too all was ideal, any deviations or rejections. And if a cord or navel isljuchaetsja, I already also do not know what to think. In fact all analyses were in norm or rate, infections any. From what to the child not enough delivery could act?

I the gynecologist puts high risk fpn because of that that there was a -weight disharmony - the weight 2740, body height 54 see can, who collided or faced with similar?

08.12.2003, 16:34
Take itself in arms or hand... All at you will be good! Do not adjust or set up itself on bad-stream negative energy very badly can affect or have an effect your status.....

10.12.2003, 13:15
Thanks you for poddrezhku. I ask the God for everyone lived easy put, I try to distract and to not think about bad. But when I remain one - simply I howl. On good to be adjusted or be set up I am afraid a little, because if it will be again bad, though will not be SUCH strong impact if to think about good. Certainly, to hope it is necessary. I hope... But all my days flow so slowly, that it seems to me good never will come or step. In such this encirclement is simple despair, still. Doctors calm or abirritate me, and I all the same experience. Simply I know - that such to lose the kid. Suddenly...

10.12.2003, 19:27
Only without a panic!!!! All will be ok!!! Do not adjust or set up itself on nonsense-it or -this;-thus can affect or have an effect the kid.... Do not forget to write to me after sorts or labors..... ok?))

13.12.2003, 00:38
Today wrote KTG a fetus, the doctor has told or said, that is appreciable on any curves, that the encirclement all taki is. (detseleratsija, in my opinion), but nothing has appointed or nominated, has told or said simply to calm down. And the truth, in an hour all has come to norm or rate, and in the evening in general all bvlo is good. What is detseleratsija??

13.12.2003, 15:40
It do not absolutely agree that on detseleratsii it is possible to speak about an encirclement..... Detseleratsija this retardation of its or his palpitation-presence in KTG (in the certain limits) is a variant of norm or rate. Success!

14.12.2003, 11:01
Yes, but the doctor to me has explained, that detseleratsii (in the form of letter W) speaks presence of the certain kind about an encirclement. That is on most KTG still early to speak about a hypoxia - the child does not suffer yet, it is exact, because serd- normal - from 125 up to 157, the tachycardia happens seldom, at movements raises or increases up to 170.

Only that is why in the afternoon - hours per 11 mornings of the CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE - from 145 up to 160, and in the evening 130-140 not above?? It is normal??

14.12.2003, 18:16
Absolute norm or rate! And complexes of the HELL can speak about an encirclement. Anything stashnogo! All will be ok!))

15.12.2003, 12:49
Time I with you consult. Here still a question: doctors advise to put pesary, but I doubt, in fact at me as those is not present threat, shejka 3 sm, but soft, that 2 labors. For 2 nedeldi shejka it was not truncated. pesary is always an infection, allocation. Here I also do not know. There is any general or common opinion on the bill of its or his statement??

15.12.2003, 20:24
And where do you live? At us pessaries do not practise.... And for 2 sorts or labors shejka from the very beginning can be soft! If there is a threat that it is necessary competent medicamental correction

17.12.2003, 16:40
hm, I live in Belarus. At us, how much or as far as I know, pessaries put through one supposedly an adverse ecological situation, a lot of premature. Well time wish to make secure and put - let will put. Tomorrow I go on uzi + doppler (remember about dynamics or changes spoke??) so wish my of good luck. I all such harassed recently, that to me any analysis, even on a hemoglobin cause a panic.

17.12.2003, 18:26
I wish your of good luck all will be ok!

19.12.2003, 15:35
C I on uzi, that's all right. I do not know, can, washing the attending physician from hospital when called and dogovorivalas on the bill uzi, has asked me not govoorit about an encirclement to not frighten. (hm, such too can be) but in any case, encirclements it is not observed any more. At least around of a neck. And as the child already absolutely low he in any way will not reel up a cord or navel. (me so it seems) .:D

All analyses in norm or rate, a hemoglobin 120, ktg too good. Oh. All the same terribly... Good, I shall think about it less, I shall live, and as will carry.. A pessary to me yet have not put:)

19.12.2003, 19:00
I am very glad for you! And in occasion of that that your doctor could ask to speak-categorically about an encirclement agree!!! Any doctor on it will not go-believe to my experience)) All at you will be OK! Only do not forget about all to write to me!))

07.02.2004, 18:47
All is remarkable. On January, 29th, in 39 weeks the boy, 3230, 50 sm was born... Here history...
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