Просмотр полной версии : Forgive or Excuse, a question long - I want, that was is...

Lydia, 48 years
16.01.2004, 06:40
Forgive or Excuse, a question long - I want, that was settling or exhausting;exhaustive.
I have addressed to the doctor in occasion of plentiful monthly. Besides nagging pains in second half of the cycle, "burning down" during a menses, and right after such attack of pains very plentiful bleeding with clots which in a status to push out a wad super plus .
On the basis of US the doctor has established or installed the diagnosis "adenomyosis". For 16 day of a cycle a uterus 82* 65* 58, precisely expressed mucous 22 mm. Esteemed on the Internet about an adenomyosis, something does not converge with my signs. At me between monthly any botched work, only plentifully transparent slime in the middle of a cycle within several days. Monthly plentiful from the very first time, that is since 16 years. Last years a cycle of very regular 28 days though in a youth there was pljus-a minus a week.
The adenomyosis, or adenomyosis got in the childhood or "congenital" can at me not?
The doctor persistently recommended "cleaning" but as I understand it not so popular and not so reliable method of treatment. Besides 4 years ago to me did or made the diagnostic currettage, any pathology it is not revealed, then treated an inflammation and without results accepted "Narkolut" 4 months. I shall try or taste Now "Probelief" of 10 days of 10 mg on 1 tablet since 14 days of a cycle. In 3 months survey. Can it is necessary was check up a level of hormones all over again? If there will be no changes in the best party or side it is necessary to delete a uterus? Or to agree on a currettage?

24.01.2004, 12:44
First, the clinic of an adenomyosis can be the diversified, including she at initial stages can proceed in general asymptomatically.
As to US - though it and an auxiliary method of diagnostics, but for last years the technics or technical equipment was improved up to such degree, that at presence still the highly skilled expert such diagnosis to put simply (though sometimes - up to 10-15 % - there are also mistakes or errors, for the different reasons).
Hormonal research too would not prevent (though and it is not always obligatory. As to a separate diagnostic currettage - to it or him;them resort, when are available disfunktsionalnye uterine bleedings, suspicion on hyperplastic process in endometrii...
In a word, to solve the problem on further tactics in your situation it would be virtual incorrectly and it is simply impossible. Address in our clinic - necessarily we shall help or assist.
Clinic on Vladimir. Kont.. Ph. 306 43 66, 306 01 52.