Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, I already wrote to you. I have appeared not bere...

16.01.2004, 06:26
The doctor, I already wrote to you. I have appeared is not pregnant. But I am going to to become pregnant. I had condylomas (not onko-dangerous). Has passed or has taken place treatment about one year back, more retsedivov was not. I have a pair small condylomas on shejke uteruses. Tell or say please, whether it means what to give birth or travail to me it will be possible only a method cesarean to not infect the child?

24.01.2004, 12:22
What " the pair small condylomas " on shejke means?.. (not clear situation...).
If it, really, condylomas they should be removed, "prizhech" to spend nonspecific protivoretsidivnuju therapy. And it does not mean, that the cesarean section necessarily is necessary to you.
Yours faithfully, the doctor-gynecologist, k.m.n. Mgdesjan K.K.
Clinic on Vladimirsokj. Kont. Ph. 306 43 66, 306 01 52.