Просмотр полной версии : Novinet

21.01.2004, 20:31
Hello! To me of 17 years. I accept "Novinet" 1,3 years. Tell or say, please, what maximal term of acceptance of these tablets, what break needs to be made and how during this break to be protected? In advance thanks.

23.01.2004, 11:55
If has not come to light medical contraindications to reception of a concrete preparation or if you have not decided to become pregnant there are no reasons to stop reception of tablets. It is standard in modern medetsine the point of view. It is necessary to know, that first three months of reception of tablets are the periods of adaptation of an organism. Therefore each time when you do or make a break and anew start to apply tablets, you force an organism to pass or take place the period of adaptation again. But if all of you decide to interrupt reception of tablets it is possible to use a condom or for example Farmateks (suppositories, tablets).