Просмотр полной версии : How to recover?

15.01.2004, 15:27
In third or fourth time I try to cure leptotrips, and any result. Probably, the infection became steady against action of antibiotics. Help or assist, I wish to conceive and give birth to the healthy child, and I can not get rid of infections in any way.

17.01.2004, 11:26
Leptotriks - conditional patogen ("inhabitant" of a mouth), that is is result - oral sex. In some situations he does not demand treatment (it will show a smear on flora).

19.01.2004, 13:30
I am not engaged in oral sex already long time. Tell or say please if I shall make sanation of an oral cavity and a vagina leptotrips will recede or it is necessary dopolnitellno to apply suppositories and syringings?
The smear on flora constantly shows presence of this infection. What to do or make? Can costs or stands proiti course of treatment by suppositories Bifidumbakterin somehow to raise or increase local immunity? And whether it is necessary to treat the husband? In advance thanks for the answer.