Просмотр полной версии : Pinkish allocation from a vagina

04.01.2004, 09:42
Zdrastvujte! To me 21 year. At me yesterday was three sexual certificates or acts in the afternoon, and in the evening I have noticed small acyanotically pink allocation. At me erosion shejki uteruses, but such vydeleny at me never nebylo. Monthly regular, up to them two more weeks. And in last monthly for two weeks at me the breast (too for the first time) hurted or was ill;was sick. I do not accept contraceptive tablets, I am protected only by condoms. From what there could be these or it vdelenija? Can at me there are hormonal changes?:confused:

09.01.2004, 11:16
It is not excluded. However survey is necessary for specification and, if necessary, doobsledovanie. Address to the gynecologist, do not postpone the visit.