Просмотр полной версии : Whether are reliable Ok?

23.12.2003, 13:34
Good afternoon. Many thanks to you for the answer to my previous question.
At me the constant partner, me 21 year, all time we use condoms but so it would be desirable without them!!!;))) And more because to me already 2 times should be accepted postinor, because they rvutsja!!!
It would-be wanted to learn or find out, what guarantee of preservation from nezh. To pregnancy give hormonal contraceptives. I wish to pick up to sledushchemu to a cycle but as I the person very hypochondriac, seems to me, that I shall experience very much, whether zaberemenila I to buy up in drugstores in tons tests and .:D
-read the information on 100 % of a guarantee... (certainly at strict observance of rules of reception) whether so it?
If I for any reason should suspend reception OK threat of occurrence of pregnancy STRONGLY increases? Heard something similar, that: " it is possible to fly from :D " I-exaggerate, certainly, but all taki?
Still, whether reduce action OK antihistamine preparations, for example Telfast, and more such preparation as prednizalon.