Просмотр полной версии : Inflammation

15.12.2003, 07:19
Hello! Within last two years I constantly treat an inflammation of appendages. After treatment within a month all is remarkable, then the nagging pain in the bottom of a stomach or belly again begins and again the doctor diagnoses an inflammation of appendages. Handed over analyses: chlamydias, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, gonorrheas, are not present Trichomonases, the tank- has revealed nothing. Has visited already at several doctors, but the picture repeats. Prompt, please, it is necessary to hand over what analyses still that it was possible to reveal the reason of constantly repeating inflammation? At me low immunity, often I am ill or sick with catarrhal diseases, whether cold can provoke an inflammation of appendages? Thanks big for any advice or council.

15.12.2003, 20:32
It is necessary to be treated not only to you on and to the partner... And if immunity is weakened or easied that relapses will be frequent... And more depends on that much than you were treated!