Просмотр полной версии : It is a pity the husband!

Tatyana X.
18.07.2003, 12:39
8 months we live three together: ja.moj the husband and our small dochurka poljushka! On the second month beremenosti the doctor has recommended to stop sex attitudes or relations. It was unique "complication" .vsja pregnancy and labors have passed or have taken place well. At me was not any
Breaks and complications after sorts or labors. I nurse the ninth month and I am going to further, monthly yet was not.
We with the husband cannot make love (seksem) .mne very painfully, not greasings. Advise any gel or a cream can. And in general, what to me to do or make?
It is a pity the husband! He young, healthy and 15-th month without sex!

18.07.2003, 13:06
Certainly, it is a pity... First, the best agent for "natural" greasing - exaltation (preliminary caress, kisses...). Besides do not forget, that absence of a menses on 100 % does not guarantee to you contraception. Therefore it is better to buy or purchase condoms with a lot or plenty of greasing (special), and in drugstores and spets. Shops a plenty of various greasings, creams, etc. is on sale

18.07.2003, 14:19
I somehow even to the doctor went - why year has passed or has taken place also all in any way:) However, with seams of a problem were, but all the same term decent or considerable.
First it is necessary to use + contraceptions to put. Then, after a year from sorts or labors, in general it is forgotten, that there were similar problems.

Volkova JUlja
06.12.2003, 16:24
Greetings! I too had approximately such situation, and the output or exit is simple: the Cream (suppositories) "Farmateks" both greasing and protection.