Просмотр полной версии : Tablets during pregnancy

Maria of M.
14.10.2003, 13:42
At me 2-nd month of pregnancy. As that toxicosis is not present, but any attributes of a nausea I muffle tablets " the activated coal ". Tell or say please it not dangerously for a fetus? How much or As far as they are harmless?

Where it is possible to read through about preparations which in general counter-indicatively premenjat during this period?

I shall look forward to hearing very much.

17.10.2003, 11:18
I do not advise it or this to do or make. As it will not help or assist, if there will be a toxicosis. In occasion of all questions it is necessary to address to the gynecologist at whom YOU will be observed all pregnancy.
Yours faithfully, the doctor-gynecologist, k.m.n. Mgdesjan K.K.