Просмотр полной версии : Thanks for the answer, uv. The doctor! It would be desirable still or even for something to find out..

26.08.2003, 10:52
I consulted on a following question to my attending physician, and also in private or individual ginekol. A cabinet or study, but...
For some reason I have not been satisfied by answers. Can be. You will help or assist me?

After the very first sexual contact I had an erosion shejki uteruses. After that " first time " I a sexual life not a vein, and long time - some years.
Erosion to me "observed", but any measures on its or her elimination did not undertake, explaining it is that I supposedly not given birth or not travailled, young, let's wait, suddenly you to give birth or travail will be going to.
But I was not going to... And, in general, not soon I am going to.
And so.
Recently I had a young man, we now are at the initial stage of intimate relations.
I have decided to get rid at last of erosion by a method kreodestruktsii.
Whether erosion after this procedure can renew?
Tell or Say, please, what measures need to be kept to avoid occurrence of erosion henceforth?
And in general, what reasons of its or her occurrence?
In advance thanks.

Dr. Holodkova
30.08.2003, 12:16
The cryolysis is a good method of treatment of erosions at not given birth or not travailled women. After it or him at correct carrying out of a method of erosion do not renew, if only after sorts or labors on a place of breaks. Usually: prophylaxis of sexual infections, abortions. The reason of erosion can be also congenital.

01.09.2003, 15:20
And tell or say to me, please,
Whether there is an erosion from mechanical, so to say, damages?
- I heard, if "sizes" of partners do not coincide,
Differently byvat...
pasibo zaraneee.

26.09.2003, 11:12
No. The pathology shejki uteruses happens different, also as well as an etiology - the reason which has caused or called its or her occurrence (accordingly tactics of conducting, treatment - different). That often name erosion, not always is actually erosion. Istinaja erosion shejki uteruses meets seldom. There is a congenital ectopia which often name erosion and cauterize, and so it or her, really, it is not necessary to treat. But for a differentiation of a pathology and a choice of an optimum method of treatment inspection (smears on a cytology, a colposcopy, a biopsy) is necessary.
Yours faithfully, the doctor the gynecologist, k.m.n. Mgdesjan K.K.
Clinic on Vladimir. Kont. Ph. 306 43 66, 306 01 52.