Просмотр полной версии : Oral contraceptive

19.09.2003, 13:45
Help or Assist to pick up OK. To me 33 years, one child, an active sexual life with one partner, tendency to corpulence (femurs, breeches), very small breast (after one pregnancy and sorts or labors the lost elasticity). Very much I am afraid to recover, at body height of 155 sm 50 kg weigh. The sex desire hardly below, than would be desirable. The doctor has advised to make analyses on hormones, but there is no opportunity (material). A cycle of 28-30 days. Regular. Heard, that from the some people OK even grow thin and the breast increases or is enlarged. But the main thing, certainly, high contraceptive effect without an increase in weight. I shall be very grateful for the answer.

25.09.2003, 12:53
In an ideal, certainly, it is necessary to hand over hormones. If there is no such opportunity and there are no contraindications for hormonal contraception it is necessary to begin with monophasic nizkodozirovannyh preparations in your situation (for example, logest, novinet, mersilon). If there is a predilection to the raised or increased pilosis (hirsutism), spots, acnes, a fat skin, abaissement of hair from a pilar part of a head, - "zhanin" or "Diana-35". Keep in mind, that libido (the sexual inclination) on a background of reception OK can decrease. Before the beginning of reception survey of the gynecologist and, if necessary, inspection (including US) is necessary. In a word, here there is a set of nuances which are better for discussing with you at immediate kontatkte.
Yours faithfully, the doctor the gynecologist, k.m.n. Mgdesjan K.K.