Просмотр полной версии : Tazovoe a presentation

11.09.2003, 17:15
Term of my pregnancy of 28 weeks! The baby lays a head upwards! Whether there is a probability of what he still will have time to turn over and how to help or assist him to borrow or occupy correct position?

11.09.2003, 20:22
I can advise pair exercises:

So, having put on a floor the pillow combined half-and-half or the blanket braided in the dense platen, accurately lay down on a back so that the eminence was necessary on area of a loin. Thus, your femurs have appeared above a head on 30-35 centimeters. Remain for 5-10 minutes in this position and do or make so within day some times. And it is better on an empty stomach - so at the kid will be more spaces for moving.
During pregnancy often it is difficult to some women to lay on a back. Then for them other variant of this exercise will approach or suit.
Sit down so that breeches settled down on heels, socks were together, heels - separately. Thus knees should be dissolved for width of brachiums. Now slipping movement lower or omit on a floor with a leg on a head. The thorax is as much as possible bent downwards, and your basin is raised so, how much or as far as you have caved in. The complicated variant of the described exercise: arms or hand are got or started for a back and lifted upwards.

It also promotes fuller use of potential of lungs and improves a posture. In case of when revolution of the child is not required, linked behind a back in "latch" of an arm or a hand it is possible to lift from position costing or standing with an inclination of the case forward.
The same as and in the previous variant, this exercise needs to be carried out some times in day, up to meal. General or common time of employment or occupations for change of position of the child in a uterus should approached to 30 minutes.
Speak these minutes to the kid tender, calming or abirritating words, ask it or him to turn over. Try to do or make once a day even it together with the father of the child. Perhaps, having heard encouraging voice of the father and calming or abirritating - mothers, the child will find confidence and will change the position.

25.09.2003, 12:19
This all is perfect, but only accurate and at absence of contraindications (consult to the doctor).