Просмотр полной версии : Respond somebody about OK!!!!!

01.08.2003, 09:31
More recently I asked about OK. Namely: TRI-Regol b Ovidon! But the doctor why has disregarded my report. Can somebody share personal experience in occasion of these preparations...

01.08.2003, 11:02
To your question have already responded. Excuse for a delay.

11.08.2003, 07:53
the Initial report from Oksa
More recently I asked about OK. Namely: TRI-Regol b Ovidon! But the doctor why has disregarded my report. Can somebody share personal experience in occasion of these preparations...
In no event! These are preparations of the first generation!:eek:

12.08.2003, 11:49
Three- are a three-phase preparation, ovidon - combined monophasic (he more medical, as a level of hormones high enough, in comparison with preparations of new generation). What particularly you interests? Have in view of, that is correct pick up a preparation for you the qualified gynecologist can only.
Yours faithfully, k.m.n. Mgdesjan N.K.