Просмотр полной версии : Dibazolum and suppositories of a papaverine at pregnancy

Light With
06.08.2003, 06:15
At me 7-th week of pregnancy.
The local doctor on reception has offered as agents for maintenance and vynashivanija the child Dibazolum and suppositories of a papaverine. At me personally indications to nevynashivaniju are not present. And the doctor has told or said. What is the preparations they recommend all pregnant women.
Whether tell or say, please, will damage or injure;hurt the given preparations of pregnancy? All the same it is medicinal preparations, and on all sites it is recommended to use as small as possible medicines during pregnancy.

12.08.2003, 11:16
Any preparations are appointed or nominated under indications. Without survey we cannot tell or say, whether treatment is necessary for you. Suppositories with a papaverine, basically, to you will not damage or injure;hurt.