Просмотр полной версии : BT

Marina mindless
01.08.2003, 14:03
Kind time of day! It would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion on my situation. We try to become pregnant within 5 months... While it is ineffectual. My doctor speaks, that it is necessary to wait 1 year, and then to pass or take place inspection. But it would be desirable more quickly:) Analyses on ZPPP negative (handed over 2 times), are erosion (the average sizes). During 3 months I measure BT, in my opinion I do not have an ovulation. Schedules almost identical, therefore I shall cite as an example last. 1-6..-a menses. 7-36,9, 8-9-36,8, 10-11-36,7, 12-15-36,8, 16 - 36,7, 17 - 36,3, 18 dts - 36,5, 19 - 36,6, 20 - 36,5, 21 - 36,7, 22 - 36,8, 23 - 37,1, 24-25 - 36,8, 26 - 37,1, 27-28 - 36,9, 29 - 37. You could not comment on the schedule? Dop, info: lekakstva any I do not accept, only vitamins and Acidum folicum, the menses regular, is not present pains, with the middle of a cycle mucous allocation from a vagina and brownish allocation from the left breast. In advance thanks for your answer.

04.08.2003, 11:20
Under the schedule for 1 month to do or make any conclusions it is impossible (on it or him;them, really, the ovulation was not). Vydeleny from a mammary gland should not be. Survey and inspection (hormonal including), consultation mammologa is necessary.
Yours faithfully, the doctor the gynecologist, k.m.n. Mgdesjan N.K.