Просмотр полной версии : Erosion shejki uteruses

03.07.2003, 16:47
Hello! At me erosion shejki uteruses and by results of a biopsy the doctor has directed me on " a laser destruction shejki uteruses ". Prompt, please, what honey. Establishments in SPb are engaged in it or this and how much on the average there is such procedure?

Yours faithfully,

04.07.2003, 11:21
Unfortunately, in sankt-NOONiOOuN - we can not prompt. Ask the doctor.

Natasha. Bos
29.07.2003, 13:19
In the past to year at me have found out congenital erosion of ?/m.
After all analyses, me have made cauterization by liquid nitrogen. Now all is ideal, the doctor speaks, that from erosion and a trace does not remain.
But costs or stands to me any of girlfriends to tell as I has got rid of erosion, to me at once speak, that it is impossible to do or make cauterization to not given birth or not travailled women (they know it from the attending physicians).
Whether it is interesting so it. Also what can happen, if all the same liquid nitrogen is used for treatment of not given birth or of not travailled woman?

In advance I thank for the answer.

01.08.2003, 10:47
Hello, Natasha!
It is not necessary to experience, just liquid nitrogen very much shchadjashche can be made it at young not given birth or not travailled women. And that girlfriends speak you... The Pathology shejki uteruses happens different. Probably, you had not simply congenital ectopia (which, really, it it is not necessary to cauterize), and with attributes tservitsita or erozirovannaja...
Yours faithfully, k.m.n. Mgdesjan N.K.