Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist to understand

21.07.2003, 13:09
At me such question, was on reception at the gynecologist and she to me has told or said that at me errozija shejki uteruses, explain pozhajlusta that et such and as e etim to struggle.
I a year have hormonic Naval Forces, up to etogo were usual,
Couple of months back at me headaches, pains in heart have begun, I have addressed to the gynecologist well she to me have told or said that eto at you already during 2-3 years, but still recently I was on reception and all was normal, with the husband I have no sexual contact where those 2 months, whether can eto be passed household by?
The husband to me has told or said that he to me did not change, poluchaetsja that I.
pozhajlusta help or assist me to understand in etom.
In advance thanks.

21.07.2003, 18:02
Erosion shejki uteruses - one of versions of a pathology shejki uteruses. It not an infection. But one of the reasons causing its or her occurrence can be an infection; however can be and other reasons provoking occurrence of a various pathology shejki of a uterus. Survey and inspection which will help or assist to put the exact diagnosis are necessary for more detailed consultation.
Yours faithfully, the doctor the gynecologist, k.m.n. Mgdesjan N.K.

26.07.2003, 18:16
a ka others can be the reasons?

29.07.2003, 09:34
It hormonal disturbances, birth trauma, a virus of a papilloma of the person can...