Просмотр полной версии : Questions about pregnancy.

16.07.2003, 15:58
I welcome!
Unfortunately, opinions of doctors on my situation miss cardinally - therefore I shall try to ask in the Internet:

1. Whether necessarily cesarean at an encirclement of a fetus a cord or navel?
2. At impossibility cesarean because of a clottage (the sister has died after cesarean, from a thrombus in a lung) - whether probably all the same to give birth +?
3. Well and a hypoxia of a fetus because of this encirclement - whether it is valid the n/EASY neurology at me as a risk factor? Whether it is possible to reduce this risk to-l way, for example, premature birth or births in 30-36 weeks?

18.07.2003, 12:39
This question can be solved only at immediate contact to you after corresponding or meeting researches.

18.07.2003, 14:15
Only here Moscow to not reach and under the finance not so: (Therefore also the question is set in the Internet.

Therefore it is necessary to solve most, as from epiziotomii to me not otbrykatsja (the first pregnancy in this way resolved).

It is a pity, houses in my case labors are counter-indicative...
To myself I would appoint or nominate normal +, but here is how it will affect or have an effect a fetus - a question opened or open. As, however, and with prospect of preschedule sorts or labors.

In any case blagodarstvuju for the answer.
Yours faithfully.

19.07.2003, 13:44
In any case it is necessary kardiomonitornoe observation over a status of a fetus, as will dictate tactics of conducting. If speech also will go about a preschedule delivery, that, whenever possible, not earlier than 38 weeks (in that case there should be a scheduled hospitalization).
Yours faithfully, k.m.n. Mgdesjan N.K.

22.07.2003, 10:43
Kardiomonitornoe observation is in conditions of a hospital.
Me yet do not hospitalize - from treatment of a hypoxia only aktovegin.
And it is doubtful to me, that in our province tachycardia or cardiopalmus diagnose somehow differently, than on US.

In the first pregnancy me have so started, that it was necessary to do or make operation in occasion of a clottage on term of 30 weeks. It was possible to avoid it or her is much otr.posledstvy, an arrest of development of a fetus but then I blindly believed tactics of doctors.
Now a symptomatology of a clottage I fly or treat itself, including by means of nonconventional medicine.
And here with this encirclement of a fetus and a hypoxia (as promised, down to a neurology of a fetus) I did not collide or face yet - and yet have not developed or produced the program of actions.

At you inexact assumptions, that doctors in Moscow and peripheries conduct patients equally, and not so - frequently it is necessary to explain it to doctors what exactly is necessary to me. And not always my offers deviate - I have refused reception hemostatic on early terms as already I know, than it comes to an end.

And if the question of a preschedule delivery will be put on term of 38 weeks - I doubt, that for 2 preschedule weeks to a fetus it will be better - I do not see it or this sense - I simply shall refuse it or this. The fetus nenamnogo is less, than in 40 weeks.
If on earlier term you do not recommend - I shall refuse in general their such plan though me assure, that the fetus is teleorganic, and the risk of neurologic deviations or rejections is less.

Thanks for detailed consultation.

22.07.2003, 12:13
Sadly you write about doctors. Not always any complications happen on fault or wine of doctors... There Are situations not subject... In Those not mennee, try to trust still time, be not engaged in a selftreatment. Kardiomonitornoe research can be spent not only in conditions of a hospital.

22.07.2003, 14:50
Probably, and not always complications happen on fault or wine of doctors.
On the contrary, it is a rarity. But to not notice, that at the person the raised or increased coagulability of a blood is in the nature of things.
At me the sister has died of a postoperative thrombus - preparatory actions have not been spent.

We in general do not have such precedent that from the pregnant woman-patient worked is out-patient. Last time till 30 weeks I laid, and then - is direct on operation. Doctors have explained, that in case of complications during operation will make emergency cesarean. Then complications was not. I do not want repetitions.

28.07.2003, 16:12
Well good, all thanks for detailed answers and support in hard struggle for a survival in ross.uslovijah.