Просмотр полной версии : Logest and smoking

03.05.2003, 17:20
I wish to start to accept Logest.
But a trouble that I do not know how he sochitaetsja with smoking. I smoke not mneogo (4-5 cigarettes 1/0.1 Slims in day), but daily.
Advise, please.
Zaranie thanks.

03.05.2003, 21:48
Hormonal contraceptives and smoking are not compatible!!!
To you it will be better pimenjat contraceptives intravaginalnye if there are no pathologies mucous a vagina
Except for joint action on the vasomotor center, hormonal contraceptives reduce libido
That's all that would be desirable to tell or say

13.05.2003, 09:53
If you dejstitelno smoke up to 5 cigarettes in day hormonal contraception is comprehensible if there are no other contraindications (consult to the gynecologist).
Yours faithfully, k.m.n. Mgdesjan N.K.

16.05.2003, 17:21
In your case we would recommend you to pass or take place consultation and survey of the doctor of the gynecologist since there is a set of other indications and contraindications concerning reception O.K.