Просмотр полной версии : Ureaplasmas and pregnancy

01.05.2003, 01:31
After visiting the gynecologist has handed over analyses which results have shown presence stafilokoka, ureaplasmas in an organism. Treatment corresponding or meeting has been appointed or nominated, but... Now I - am pregnant. Term - 2-3 weeks. Abortion I can not do or make, I do not want and I shall not be. In the registered medicines, to all other, there were also antibiotics, to accept which as I know, at pregnancy it is impossible. But presence stafilokoka in an organism of mother too can is very fatal influence development of a cub. (whether I know for this reason, last week, on a regular basis, at me temperature 37,3) whether Prompt, please, there are methods of treatment of such viruses which are simultaneously not influencing negatively on zarazhdajushchijsja an organism in a womb of mother?

02.05.2003, 14:46
Hello, Natalia!
There are preparations which it is possible without harm for a fetation to accept during pregnancy (including for treatment staphylococcal and ureaplazmennoj infections). The question on the beginning of treatment and its or her character can be solved only individually, after survey, interrogation and the analysis of results of all necessary researches.
Yours faithfully, the doctor-gynecologist, k.m.n. Mgdesjan N.K.
Kont. Ph. 306 43 66, 306 01 52.