Просмотр полной версии : Nojushchaja a pain in right hypochondrium.

15.08.2006, 15:53
One year ago the stomach or belly (long diarrhoea - 2-3 weeks) hurted or was ill;was sick. Swallowed of a probe - the diagnosis povernostnyj a gastritis (gastroduodenit in doubt), diskenezija zhelchn ways (in doubt), a reflux-esophagitis, catarral bulbit.

Have appointed or nominated treatment (omeprazol, enveloping agents, a diet as at a ulcer). More and more or it was less normalized in a year.

But about 3 months ago the right hypochondrium began to hurt or be ill;be sick. Blunt, nojushchaja a pain.

Did or Made uzi, have told or said, that small stagnation of bile is, tk the bubble is insufficiently reduced. Have appointed or nominated cholagogue tea - but result 0.

Asked the doctor stronger agent to give, and he speaks it is not necessary yet.

Has got nojushchaja a pain and I am afraid as though a cholecystitis has not begun (especially only as half a year it was treated from an ascariasis).

What to do or make?

15.08.2006, 22:40
Diet, djuspatalin on 1 capsule 2 times a day before meal, 5 days, tykveol on 1 teaspoon 3 times a day during meal, a course - 1 vial or flask, odeston on 1 tablet 3 times a day 30 minutes prior to meal, 5 days, a physiotherapy the apparatus milta on the right hypochondrium of 10 procedures. If the scheme or plan will not help or assist - it is necessary to understand internally

16.08.2006, 10:27
Thanks big, the doctor.

And in general, it can be an attribute of a ulcer? (the truth I the whole year on a diet!)

16.08.2006, 11:24
And here still that. Sometimes (1-3) times a month, in a saliva appear krov. Streaks as though has bitten a gum or gingiva (unitary) though like a gum or gingiva by way of the Vomiting is not present. A chair normal, color normal, but I am frightened terribly. It can be zhelud a bleeding?

16.08.2006, 21:14
I think, all this bleeding from gums, possibly, because of relative deficiency of vitamin C, and disturbance of system of coagulation of a blood, can krovit sialadens (sialolithic illness or disease, the "sand" leaving salivary glands)