Просмотр полной версии : Esophagus

The anonym
20.03.2006, 12:34
Hello! For treatment GERB and an antral gastritis have appointed or nominated Omez: 2 weeks - 40, 2 nedeli-20. Has passed or has taken place 25 dnej-morbid sensitivity in an esophagus at passage of nutrition remains. Besides the general or common delicacy after meal. The general or common analysis krovi-in norm or rate. Whether that delat-there is a sense to accept Omez is longer, than is appointed or nominated, or it is necessary to replace a preparation, for example, on pariet? And more, GERB it has been diagnosed at EGD. Whether it is necessary to do or make a roentgen of an esophagus with barium?

21.03.2006, 11:38
What write on EGD (it is desirable literally)?

The anonym
21.03.2006, 17:42
The esophagus is passable
Mucous an esophagus giperemirovana ochagovo in the form of strips in length 0,5
In an abdominal department
The cardia is closed not completely
The stomach of the usual form air finishes a lumen sufficient
Contents transparent in the moderate quantity or amount
Cords or Crimps longitudinal
The peristalsis is traced
Mucous a stomach giperemirovana ochagovo giperplazirovana ochagovo in an antral department
pilorus and a bulb 12.. Are not changed
Postbulbar department without a pathology
: Cardias. GERB 1. A gastritis hron. Hyperplastic antral.
The biopsy from mucous an antral department of a stomach is executed:
vosp. +++, Hp +, item the certificate or act. +

The anonym
21.03.2006, 18:04
Has copied word for word, and the report has disappeared. Now in brief, where there are deviations or rejections: mucous an esophagus giperemirovana ochagovo in the form of strips in length 0,5
The cardia is closed not completely.
Mucous a stomach giperemirovana ochagovo giperplazirovana ochagovo in an antral department.
: Cardias. GERB 1. A gastritis hron. giperplasticheky antral.
The biopsy from mucous an antral department :. +++, Hp +, item the certificate or act is executed. +

22.03.2006, 13:22
At you the positive test on helikobakter pilori. omeprazolom business will not be limited to one. It is desirable to spend it or him eradikatsiju (to destroy harmful helikobaktera) as he will support or maintain inflammatory process., amoksitsillin (these are 2 antibiotics) and a blocker of a proton pomp (omez, but it is better - either pariet, or kontralok) - the scheme or plan which includes klaritromitsin is appointed or nominated to 7 days. On a background of it or this is motilium (will restore a peristalsis) and lineks with hilakom-forte (that the dysbacteriosis has not developed at reception of antibiotics). Such treatment should be passed or taken place only under observation of the doctor! Try will address on consultation to the gastroenterologist (internally!)

The anonym
22.03.2006, 18:02
It is strange, that the therapist to whom I have addressed with result of EGD and a biopsy, has told or said, that Hp + is normally. Here if was Hp +++ then she would appoint or nominate treatment another.
And in general, helikobakter can influence a status mucous an esophagus?

The anonym
27.03.2006, 00:04
What to do or make?

29.03.2006, 00:50
While try to drink before meal a glass of water, to prolong reception omeprazola till 8 weeks, to add to treatment motilium 1 h 3 r/n (for 10 days).

GER, as well as other disturbances of a motility of an esophagus, does not come to light or is not taped at esophagoscopy: 30-60 % of patients with expressed signs GER do not have visible changes of a mucosa. In this connection has not lost practical value or meaning;importance a X-ray inspection of an esophagus. With its or his help study or investigate topography and anatomy of an esophagus: on movement of a contrast agent estimate or appreciate propulsive ability, mark or celebrate diskineticheskie changes, GER, presence of strictures, ulcers and tumours.

The anonym
29.03.2006, 21:41
The matter is that this month I did or made a roentgenophotography, a roentgen of a cervical department in 2- projections and a roentgen of a thoracal department too in 2- projections. All searched for the reason of a pain behind a breast bone. And now here also I do not know, whether to do or make still and a roentgen of an esophagus.
When after long searches at EGD have found out GERB and a gastritis I, like, have calmed down: the reason is established or installed, I shall spend on drink + and all will pass or take place.
But has passed or has taken place month, and the pain has remained. Plus the neck on the right and a mandible on the right began to hurt or be ill;be sick. And, can, it is a pain it is simply given, since behind a breast bone hurts too a little bit more to the right from the center.
Voobshchem, I have absolutely become puzzled: can, it and not an esophagus at all, but then that?

30.03.2006, 20:38
And what write on these or it;this a roentgen-pictures?

The anonym
31.03.2006, 10:23
Photofluorogram-norm or -rate
Roentgenography of cervical and thoracal departments of a backbone: height MPD 4-5-6 is lowered, are underlined zamykateli... Bodies of vertebra or vertebrae, regional osteal growths. The conclusion: an osteochondrosis of 1 2 degrees of cervical and thoracal departments.