Просмотр полной версии : The heartburn has tortured

14.10.2004, 04:09
The heartburn has tortured, dohtor recommended renni, but does not help or assist. Other medicines - I am afraid. Who knows - why, why and how to struggle?

05.12.2004, 22:44
What for the doctor recommended "renni" without inspection? I also can recommend "taltsid". A good agent. But in a any way it is necessary to go to gastroenerologu and to pass or take place inspection. Then it will be already clear, these are anatomic or functional frustration. And treatment and-or maintenance will be different.

12.02.2005, 05:13
Stir up or Give away polchajnoj spoons of baking soda on a glass of water and drink, helps or assists... The truth if such chesspieces on a regular basis, that, certainly, it would be necessary to consult...

And, and supchiki eat every day!

19.02.2005, 16:40
It is tried on itself - helps or assists not only water with soda, but also drink is simple. Try to drink more as it is opposite at a heartburn.

01.03.2005, 01:21
If a stomach - that Festalum or mezim after (during meal)

If a liver-, after meal.

Min.voda after meal, or during a heartburn.

By the way, m.b.edite fat nutrition or a batch?

30.03.2005, 00:20
Will not reach yet the doctor - in the mornings - a porridge on water, and oat-flakes, kotju.nado 15 minutes to cook, muck awful, but we with the husband eat with bananas fresh

Still well ch-? two hours after meal Almagelum

And the doctor, the doctor!!!

29.05.2005, 14:31
And here at me a heartburn from this oat-flakes, though on water though cook-?N, +

28.06.2005, 18:54
Try or Taste minutes water " the Glade kvasova ", she contains natural soda. Not water-song!!!! To pair or steam drinks and you again the person!!!

Feodor To.
12.07.2005, 16:47
Probably, because to you he it is too strong protiven

13.07.2005, 18:24
, I in your position was rescueed or saved;salvaged by Almagelum. Wore with itself to bank everywhere. Hardly that - has got and has accepted. Now would take Maaloks or Fosfaljugel. Yes, washing the employee at such heartburn as at you treskala wood nuts, only they rescueed or saved;salvaged.

14.07.2005, 23:33

Yes it VESH!

17.07.2005, 07:59
There are good tablets Venter, milk besides...

Also - not is before a dream, to not wear close clothes, motilium for improvement of a motility, to not drink red wine, tomato juice, aerated water. From porridge, by the way, and at me a heartburn...

And necessarily gastroscopy with a biopsy - an esophagus a thin piece...

The donor
18.07.2005, 18:04
To eat 10 grains of almonds and to wash down with water. To me helps or assists.