Просмотр полной версии : Sensitivity to antibiotics

Evgenie And.
15.03.2005, 16:59
Tell please, what such sensitivity to antibiotics? The Lung specialist to me has appointed or nominated a doxycycline. Later any time I handed over the analysis on dizbakterioz and on sensitivity to antibiotics, he has shown sensitivity to a doxycycline. Whether means it, what the given antibiotic is counter-indicative to me? Thanks.

Karshieva Anna
17.03.2005, 18:40
I have not so understood which microflora is sensitive to a doxycycline. Presence of sensitivity predolagaet destruction of microorganisms at influence of a concrete antibiotic, in particular a doxycycline. Accordingly if a microflora pathogenic the antibiotic is just shown.

Evgenie And.
18.03.2005, 15:37
The intestinal microflora is sensitive to a doxycycline. Whether this preparation, appointed or nominated to me from tussis can, to lead dizbakteriozu?

Karshieva Anna
24.03.2005, 18:38
After a course of antibiotics I recommend -forte on 40 kap 3 times a day for 30 mines up to meal and lineks or bifiform on 2 kas 3 times a day within 4 weeks.