Просмотр полной версии : Tongue as a moss

01.03.2005, 10:09
Good afternoon the doctor, tell or say please in what there can be a reason constant belo-a yellow fur. Tongue reminds a moss. Scurf has a unpleasant smell. Also appears on a teeth. Sometimes scurf zhelto-green color. At me is diskenezija a cholic bubble. By results of uzi cholic on 25 % it is filled by bile. " Month back in a mouth there was a feeling of a burning sensation. The doctor, that you can tell or say in occasion of my situation. In advance spasib

Karshieva Anna
03.03.2005, 15:31
The fur can be display as diseases zheludochno an intestinal tract, and a mouth, and an attribute of the general or common intoxication. I.e. this sign nespetsifichen.
It is necessary to exclude diseases of a teeth, gums, a mycotic affection of a mouth (thrush), diseases of an ENT-organs. To exclude a gastritis, a duodenitis. The dyskinesia of a cholic bubble too can is mediated to influence presence of scurfs. Whether the various delivery at you, whether is enough vitamins you receive?

While I can recommend only the strengthened hygiene of an oral cavity, scurf from tongue is necessary for deleting a tooth-brush not less than 2 times a day. Use conditioners for an oral cavity.