Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstvyite, Vse chto YZI obnaryzhil - eto 2 peregorodki v zhelchnom pys...

21.08.2004, 07:37
Vse chto YZI obnaryzhil - eto 2 peregorodki v zhelchnom pysire. Chem eto grozit? Y menia postoyannoe vsdytie v verxy zhivota i tiaszest pod lozhechkoy. Cpacibo.

Magadov M.M.
22.08.2004, 17:45
Good afternoon, Vlad!
It threatens with developments of stagnation in the cholic bubble, the lowered emission of vesical bile on nutrition that conducts as a result to disturbance of splitting of nutrition and mastering of nutrients - Adepses, liposoluble vitamins and biologically active substances, fibers, carbohydrates and mineral substances.
And an end result - kalkulyoz, t. e., kamushki.

Magadov M.M.
22.08.2004, 21:23
Good afternoon, Vlad!
It threatens with developments of stagnation in the cholic bubble, the lowered emission of vesical bile on nutrition that conducts as a result to disturbance of splitting of nutrition and mastering of nutrients - Adepses, liposoluble vitamins and biologically active substances, fibers, carbohydrates and mineral substances.
And an end result - kalkulyoz, t. e., kamushki.

23.08.2004, 05:07
Chto zhe nyzhno delat?

Flerov K.E.
24.08.2004, 10:32
Nothing threatens. Septums frequent enough phenomenon and clinically in any way itself is usual not prjavljajut

26.08.2004, 00:46
Togda ia sovsem ne mogy poniat otchego silnoye vsdytie/meteorism

Magadov M.M.
27.08.2004, 03:54
Good afternoon, Vlad!
The septum of a cholic bubble, deformation is already a nonsense, a pathology, and I consider or count, that the person should know about it or this, and knowing to spend preventive
Actions, t. e., to eat on the fifth diet, to refuse a different sort supchikov and broths of fast preparation, products of long term hronenija (presence of a different sort of preservatives, gustatory and other additives), yearly to spend duodenal intubation, especially, at you already obvious displays of a dysbacteriosis, and these phenomena - consequence or investigation of disturbance of job of a cholic bubble.
Survey a liver and a cholic bubble (US research), hand over a blood on biochemical research. Results place on this page.

27.08.2004, 11:39
D-ry Magadovy,

Gastroscopia: nebolshaia (hiatal) gryzha diafragmi, erythema i chronicheskiy activny gastrit.
Pechen: 11x21 cm,
obchiy zhelchniy protok - 4mm, ne rasshirenny
zhelchny pysur bed " lozhe? " bez izmeneniy.
Podzhelydochnaia, tozhe.
Zacluchenie: 2 peregorodki obnar. v zh. pyzure, on i ego lozhe nichem ne otmechenu, sistema ne rashirena.
krov: CA-9.2, Glucose-82, Cholester.-244, obchiy Protein-6.9, Albumin-4.3, Bilirubin, obch.-0.8,
Alkal. Phosph.-56, SGOT-25, SGPT-14, Creatinine-1.3, Sodium-141, Kaliy-4.4, Cloride-104, CO2-32,

Magadov M.M.
27.08.2004, 16:18
Good afternoon, Vlad!
To you it is necessary to spend two times a year duodenal intubation, try to keep within these two remained months of autumn, and following procedure will plan for spring, March - May.
Further I shall write you the list of medicines necessary for you and I shall paint their reception on time. For now it is necessary to borrow or occupy in a cholic bubble. After carrying out of procedure leave on me on this page.

29.08.2004, 00:52
Bolshoe spacibo, Vam, Dr. Magadov za vashy konsyltatciy! Vot tolko ne yveren, chto ety procedury zdec delayut. Nelzia li ee zamenit na
bezzondovuy tybazh s vodoy Essentyki No. 4 ili 17?
C yvazheniem, Vlad

Magadov M.M.
30.08.2004, 05:39
Good afternoon, Vlad!
It is possible, only it is necessary for you precisely, without deviations to carry out that I shall write to you.
Early in the morning, in 7.30 - 8.00, accept a solution of Sorbitum prepared on following or next propisi:
In a glass fall asleep 1 table spoon of Sorbitum, fill in minutes with water so that Sorbitum has been filled in and above it or him there was a layer of water in 1 - 1.5 see.
Further, lay down on the right side on 30 - 35 minutes.
Without a heater!!!
After time accept 1 glass of cold mineral water, have breakfast and through each five-minute interval of time accept on half of glass of cold mineral water, up to 3 litres.
You will be slabit, the water accepted minutes will provide evacuation from an intestine of adjournment, "slags", fecal stones, etc.
Procedure it will be necessary to repeat two - three times.
About everything, that with you will occur or happen, inform me.

30.08.2004, 15:34
Echo raz bolshoe spacibo, doktor Magadov!
Vce bydet cdelano soglasno Vashey instryktsii!

01.09.2004, 01:55
Echo raz bolshoe cpacibo, doktor Magadov!
Vce bydet cdelano coglacno Vashey instryktsii!