
Просмотр полной версии : Dear Magomed Islamovich! Please, if probably, prompt, that with...

26.08.2004, 20:53
Dear Magomed Islamovich!
Please, if probably, prompt, that with me. From the last Thursday (14.06) and about this day daily (and even at night) I am am excruciated with strong pains in the field of a stomach (exactly on the center, hardly below a solar plexus). Pains are characterized by 10 20 second spastic strictures, very strong, and then pass or take place up to following time. With reception of nutrition, - to mine, are not connected in any way. Fosfaljugel does not help or assist in general. Earlier I was not surveyed in any way, but I suspect, that problems are for a long time: a periodic heartburn, pains, once tore bile, + stresses and a unhealthy way of life. If it is possible, prompt, it is similar to signs of a peptic ulcer? And the second where it is possible to make a gastroscopy on the good equipment and with competent experts? Thankful in advance.

Rasulov M.I.
27.08.2004, 18:26
Call on ph. 248 5055.