Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Very much you I ask, respond: such sign, as a bitter taste in a mouth e...

14.08.2004, 23:54
Hello. Very much you I ask, respond: such sign how the bitter taste in a mouth is what attribute of disease? Clearly, it is what is it connected with a liver, but what? The Bitter taste oily, not sglatyvaetsja, and Karsila a status does not improve reception of Allocholum.

Magadov M.M.
17.08.2004, 22:35
Katya, hello!
It is a cholecystitis, the Dyskinesia of the Cholic Bubble and ZHelchevyvodjashchih Ways on hypotonic type.
e., developments of stagnation in a cholic bubble.
In one of answers on this page I have in detail painted, as with it or this to struggle. Spend duodenal intubation and communicate with me.