Просмотр полной версии : Tell how to treat please nespetsefichesky a ulcerative colitis....

-back the Islam
15.08.2004, 12:11
Tell how to treat please nespetsefichesky a ulcerative colitis.

Rasulov M.I.
16.08.2004, 16:47
First time I shall recede from the pravila-to not give the reference on medicamental therapy, considering your rare surname for our site. The algorithm of therapy NJAK depends on gravity of current of disease. More likely, it for discussion with the attending physician, than for a selftreatment:
The easy or light;mild form

1. Prednisolonum inside on 20 mg a day within a month, further a gradual cancelling of a preparation.
2. Microclysters with Hidrocortizonum (125 mg) or Prednisolonum (20 mg) twice a day
3. Sulfasalazinum inside 2.0 g or Salazodinum 1.0 g in day, at an intolerance - mesalazin 1.0 g in day (mezakol, salofalk)
4. Pentasa (mesalazin) 500 4 times day.
If in 2 weeks there is no effect therapy for srednetjazheloj forms is recommended.

Srednetjazhelaja the form

1. Prednisolonum inside on 40 mg within a week, further on 30 mg within a week, further on 20 mg in tech. Month, further daily to reduce a dose by 5 mg up to its or his full cancelling.
2. Sulfasalozin or Salazodinum inside on 2.0 g in day (at an intolerance mesalazin on 1.0 g in day)
3. Hospitalization Is desirable.
4. Clysters with Prednisolonum or Hidrocortizonum - under the discretion of the doctor.
5. Accompanying treatment disbakterrioza.

The serious form.

1. Urgent hospitalization!
2. Roentgenography of an abdominal cavity and a urgent blood analysis.
3. For the period of conservation palpatornoj morbidities, a febrile fever and a tachycardia an obligatory X-ray analysis every day!
4. V/in 125 mg of Hidrocortizonum 4 times a day within 5 days.
5. 2 times a day are rectal Hidrocortizonum (125 mg) or Prednisolonum (20 mg) (the preparation is dissolved in 100 ml fizrastvora and it is entered dropwisely through a catheter entered into a rectum)
6. Inside constantly to accept water small drinks or pharynxes.
After passage of an anorexia neodhodim reception of peep.
7. V/in introduction of a liquid to support or maintain To + in a blood on
Level 4.0 4. 5/l
8. If Nv falls below 100 g/l, a hemotransfusion.
9. Daily survey by the surgeon in the morning and in the evening.
10. A daily blood analysis (an ESR, electrolytes)
11. At an inefficiency treatment in tech. 5 days or
Aggravation of symptoms a colectomy.

17.08.2004, 21:27
Tell, please, about indications and contraindications to physical exercises at the Nonspecific ulcerative colitis