Просмотр полной версии : After provoked an infectious disease apenditsita at me were sp...

15.08.2004, 16:18
After provoked an infectious disease apenditsita I had solderings, and is cut out 1 meter of a thin intestine. Treatment by antibiotics has given the most severe dysbacteriosis. After final operation (1988.) digestion and was not adjusted, though I try to adhere to a rigid diet (not always leaves). Imodium to accept I am afraid - it is not recommended at an adhesive desease. Almagelum helps or assists. In this connection a question - as it is long it is possible to accept this preparation? Whether by-effects are possible or probable at its or his long use, and whether there is to him a high-grade replacement?

Rasulov M.I.
16.08.2004, 04:44
Antacids sejchaja great variety.

16.08.2004, 18:45
Almagel soderzhit aluminii. Poprobuite smektu po 1up x 3 rasa v den