Просмотр полной версии : As it is possible to treat a chronic gastritis and a colitis, and also to put in order ra...

12.08.2004, 15:13
How it is possible to treat a chronic gastritis and a colitis, and also to put in order job of an intestine? A constant problem with aporami. Whether there are preparations for treatment of an intestine?

Sergey Jurevich
13.08.2004, 13:53
Dear ELLA!
I can help or assist you as has helped or assisted already to many people including to itself.
Using production THERMOJETICS, you completely clear the intestine and will forget, that you had problems with zheludochno-an intestinal tract.
Address to me to the address of: koshinskiy@mail. ru and I shall help or assist you.
Yours faithfully, Sergey Jurevich.