Просмотр полной версии : Hello, me disturbs very delicate problema-me disturbs durn...

11.08.2004, 17:01
Hello, me disturbs very delicate problema-me disturbs a fetor from a mouth, I am am excruciated with constipations. With what it can be connected and how it is possible to get rid of it or this? In advance I thank

Rasulov M.I.
12.08.2004, 12:54
Even if you for a long time suffer a ulitis or diseases parodonta, the best, that you can make for elimination of a fetor of a mouth, it to use a tooth-brush and a silk string, and also to address to the stomatologist for consultation and treatment of diseases of gums. Following references are offered you: 1) Carefully clear a mouth. 2) when you clean teeth, do not forget to be passed or be taken place by a brush on an internal surface of cheeks, along a teeth. 3) it is necessary to remove also all crumbs, but it is impossible to clean off anything, it is enough to make some movements by a brush.
4) do not forget to clean tongue. Often it appears to clean enough tongue to eliminate or erase;remove a unpleasant smell from a mouth. In tongue bacteria also settle and there is a scurf, as well as on gums or gingivas. Try to clear tongue so deeply as soon as will manage to get.
Refuse all eleksirov. Numerous eleksiry and solutions for a gargle of a mouth which can be seen in TV advertising and on shelfs of the chemist's goods, are almost useless for elimination of a smell from a mouth. It is better to clean a teeth, than to rinse or gargle a mouth. All gargles for a mouth only shade the present or true frustration, but they cannot even hide them on - to the present. Use of gargles for a mouth reminds a situation, when the person who was not taken a bath during of some days, pours on itself spirits to muffle a smell. Exceptions can be made only concerning the gargles produced or made under the prescription of the doctor.
Give a vow of sobriety. If you suffer dryness in a mouth and are going to to get gargles choose solutions which do not contain a lot of alcohol, alcohol dries a mouth and strengthens a unpleasant smell.
Humidify or Wet mucous a mouth. Maintenance of normal humidity in an oral cavity warns accumulation of microorganisms and education of scurf on a teeth and gums or gingivas, stomatologists speak.
If, despite of all your diligent efforts, from a mouth at you will be on - former such smell which can put to flight herd of bulls, time has come to visit or attend the stomatologist. Most likely, the debris has turned to a stone and the phenomena of a ulitis have amplified. And if you wish to leave an odontolith, address to doctors who will remove to you it or him. And if also it will not help or assist, the stomatologist will search for other reason.
I hope, you have understood, that on the second place after the stomatologic reasons a source of a fetor from a mouth are gastroenterologicheskie the reasons. It first of all refljuksnaja illness or disease of an esophagus, various forms of gastritises that is diagnosed only on a gastroscopy. Ph. 248 5055.