Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, I ask to tell in detail about erosive antral a gastritis...

27.07.2004, 11:19
The dear doctor, I ask to tell in detail about an erosive antral gastritis, a duodenitis. Treatment and the forecast. Zaranie it is grateful.

28.07.2004, 22:23
Alla on August, 16th 2002 20 : 18 : 48
The dear doctor, I ask to tell in detail about an erosive antral gastritis, a duodenitis. Treatment and the forecast. Zaranie it is grateful.

Sofia on August, 18th 2002 g
30.07.2004, 09:39
The dear doctor, I ask you to help or assist to me to cope with my sores, at carrying out of a colonoscopy to me have put the widespread endocolitis expressed more in the right half of a thick intestine, Except for that the combined hemorrhoids complicated by abaissement of sites, a superficial gastritis, a duodenitis, a dysbacteriosis of a colon. At a proctosigmoidoscope up to 25 sm a proctosigmoiditis, the Dysbacteriosis treated within 10 days leneksom, Festalum and no-shpoj. And what to do or make with other sores I do not know. Help or assist please, Thankful in advance.

Belief on August, 18th 2002 g
30.07.2004, 18:54
At mena the back often hurts, even when there is no an exercise stress Two years I went in for sports, and then have sharply thrown. As to me to be

Belief on August, 18th 2002 g
31.07.2004, 23:33
At mena the back often hurts, even when there is no an exercise stress Two years I went in for sports, and then have sharply thrown. As to me to be

Belief on August, 18th 2002 g
02.08.2004, 02:50
At mena the back often hurts, even when there is no an exercise stress Two years I went in for sports, and then have sharply thrown. As to me to be

Loburets A.A.
02.08.2004, 09:22
Hello, Alla!
So, I shall try to tell in brief to you .
There are 2 types of a gastritis - And and Century
The antral erosive gastritis concerns to type "In". In this case at a gastritis In or as it or him still name an antral gastritis, inflammatory process both a progressing atrophy and a possible or probable metaplasia of a mucosa is diagnosed in an antral department of a stomach more often. At 80 % of patients with a chronic gastritis of type "In" an inflammation it is connected with vital activity piloricheskoj helibakterii - helicobacter pylori (HP).
Tactics of treatment of an erosive antral "nonspecific" gastritis is similar to tactics at the chronic ulcer caused or called by the same bacterium.
Helibakterija-a helicoid Gram-negative bacterium. The basic distinctive features - high ureaznaja activity which promotes its or her survival rate and colonization, the microorganism is well adapted for a life in enough aggressive conditions.
Most a procedure of choice for revealing HP-a biopsy of tissues and their research ureaznoj activity. neendoskopichesk mektody - serotologichesky and respiratory tests.
HP damages or injures a mucosa of a stomach, doing or making it or her it is vulnerable at hit on it or her of a hydrochloric acid. The subsequent connection of local and systemic inflammatory reaction leads to deeper damage of a wall of a stomach. HP causes rising a level of serumal Gastrinum which, in turn, raises or increases production of a hydrochloric acid. A hydrochloric acid for a long time influencing a mucosa of a duodenum (DPK), lead to its or her damage entailing occurrence in DPK of the centers of a gastric metaplasia. This metaplazirovannyj the epithelium amazed or struck HP, promotes development of a duodenitis, and then and ulcer DPK (!).
Treatment: thus stages of treatment of a duodenitis and a gastritis in your case will be the following:
ustraneie superfluous production of a hydrochloric acid;
eradikatsija (elimination) HP.
After successful treatment and eradikatsii from organism HP there is a gradual normalization of physiological functions of a stomach and DPK.
Now exist 2 standard fortnight courses

Loburets A.A.
03.08.2004, 14:40
Hello, Alla!
So, I shall try to tell in brief to you .
There are 2 types of a gastritis - And and Century
The antral erosive gastritis concerns to type "In". In this case at a gastritis In or as it or him still name an antral gastritis, inflammatory process both a progressing atrophy and a possible or probable metaplasia of a mucosa is diagnosed in an antral department of a stomach more often. At 80 % of patients with a chronic gastritis of type "In" an inflammation it is connected with vital activity piloricheskoj helibakterii - helicobacter pylori (HP).
Tactics of treatment of an erosive antral "nonspecific" gastritis is similar to tactics at the chronic ulcer caused or called by the same bacterium.
Helibakterija-a helicoid Gram-negative bacterium. The basic distinctive features - high ureaznaja activity which promotes its or her survival rate and colonization, the microorganism is well adapted for a life in enough aggressive conditions.
Most a procedure of choice for revealing HP-a biopsy of tissues and their research ureaznoj activity. neendoskopichesk mektody - serotologichesky and respiratory tests.
HP damages or injures a mucosa of a stomach, doing or making it or her it is vulnerable at hit on it or her of a hydrochloric acid. The subsequent connection of local and systemic inflammatory reaction leads to deeper damage of a wall of a stomach. HP causes rising a level of serumal Gastrinum which, in turn, raises or increases production of a hydrochloric acid. A hydrochloric acid for a long time influencing a mucosa of a duodenum (DPK), lead to its or her damage entailing occurrence in DPK of the centers of a gastric metaplasia. This metaplazirovannyj the epithelium amazed or struck HP, promotes development of a duodenitis, and then and ulcer DPK (!).
Treatment: thus stages of treatment of a duodenitis and a gastritis in your case will be the following:
ustraneie superfluous production of a hydrochloric acid;
eradikatsija (elimination) HP.
After successful treatment and eradikatsii from organism HP there is a gradual normalization of physiological functions of a stomach and DPK.
Now exist 2 standard fortnight courses or triad (pepto-bismol + metronizadol + Tetracyclinum or amoksitsillin), - a preparation "gastrostat", or the double scheme or plan with application of inhibitors of a proton pomp (omeprazol + amoksitsillin or omeprazol + klaritromitsin).
Vnastojashchee time there was a tendency to use of the short courses of treatment directed on eradikatsiju HP.
For example
Pilorid + klaritromitsin + amoksitsillin within 7 days gives frequency eradikatsii 90 96 %.
However the scheme or plan of treatment, diagnostics, doses of preparations, your attending physician can appoint or nominate tactics of treatment only!
In the extremity or end I shall notice, that the parameter reinfitsirovanija HP makes from 0.5 15 % and depends from geographical and social factors (density of people, bad sanitary conditions), as a true way of a transmission of infection (the majority of data about itself speak) - fekalno-oral and oralno-oral.

Loburets A.A.
04.08.2004, 13:11
To Sofia!
1) I Shall begin with a hemorrhoids.
Now it is considered, that 2 principal causes of education of a hemorrhoids - a chronic strain at fault detection and a diet with the small maintenance or contents of a fat (to you on a note!). The raised or increased endoluminal pressure leads to augmentation of veins of a rectum. Which becoming in due course all vyrazhennee, are injured by dense fecal masses.
All depends on a degree of a hemorrhoids (on your data the degree can vary from 2 up to 4).
Most maloinvazivnymi for this day for treatment of the internal hemorrhoids, carried out in out-patient conditions it is necessary to consider or count:
- A dressing of internal hemorrhoidal sites rubber strias;
- A biopolar cauterization;
- Electric therapy by a direct current;
Coagulation by infra-red beams;
Sclerosing therapy;
At chronic hemorrhages the raised or increased use of the products rich with iron (meat, an offal, cocoa, bean, a bird, a dogrose, calf of fishes) is shown.
2) the Proctosigmoiditis.
The proctosigmoiditis is a nonspecific ulcerative colitis (NJAK), extending on a sigmoid intestine.
Treatment of patients with NJAK an easy or a light;a mild and average degree of gravity begin with the preparations containing 5 aminosalicylates (5 ASK) (Sulfapyridinum, mezalamin, olsalazin). At more serious stages (average and serious) appoint or nominate Prednisolonum. Immunodepressants () use Azathioprinum, cyclosporine in the event that patients are tolerant to therapy by steroid hormones (Hidrocortizonum intravenously).
And neohodimost hospitalization specify series of the reasons gravity of disease: a diarrhea more than 10 times day, morbidity of a stomach or belly at a palpation, a paresis of an intestine, a fever, a tachycardia, an anemia.
To the patients tolerant to conservative therapy, a lightning or fulminant colitis, at serious bleedings and oncologic diseases a colon is shown to delete surgical by (or its or her parts).
At the given disease in a ration necessity of the strengthened absorption of fiber raises or increases. Limit refractory Adepses, carbohydrates (in order to prevent bright fermentative processes).
At NJAK the organism requires entering greater or big doses of vitamins (In, With, To, R, etc.), mineral substances (a potassium, a calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron) and liquids.
Your attending physician should solve tactics of treatment, a medicine and medical doses of medicines only.
Concerning a gastritis and a duodenitis look my answer series.
About a dysbacteriosis, read through in a column medical clauses or articles - Disbakterioz-a syndrome of the angry intestine.