Просмотр полной версии : If the ulcer has opened for the first time, and then has cicatrized. Where probability of that, ch...

30.07.2004, 09:15
If the ulcer has opened for the first time, and then has cicatrized. Where the probability of what she again will not open?

Loburets A.A.
31.07.2004, 17:42
In most cases the reason of a peptic ulcer and DPK is gelikobakterioz-obsemenennost mucous ZHiDPK bacteria which break integrity of a mucosa, to that the acidic medium influencing not protected site leads to education of erosions, ulcers. At a peptic ulcer you should pass or take place necessarily the test on gelikobakterioz (respiratory, histological, biopsionnyj, bacteriological). In case of a positive take therapy which liquidates obsemenennost bacteria is applied eradikatsionnaja, enabling to restore a physiological protective barrier between a wall and an acid. If eradikatsija it has not been spent, there is no probability of that that JAb recurs (the truth reinfitsirovanie HP also probably). In any case check on obsemenennost helikobakterijami pilori (and them eradikatsija at the positive test or dough;father-in-law), a diet, the control over acidity (especially raised or increased) - ph-metrija (at a hyperoxemia it is necessary to apply enveloping and antisecretory preparations), the maximal restriction to vozdejstvijaju on mucous excited environments (alcohol), and besstresovyj a way of life (is the term a stressful ulcer - here also are applied antisecretory preparations, antidepressants, sedative preparations) reduce up to a minimum an opportunity retsidivirovanija a peptic ulcer.